Discover the world of Ice Skating: the history, the various sport, the practice around the world...
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Ice skating beginner tips & FAQs
Some answers to beginner questions about the benefits of ice skating, the best age to start...
Ice skating tips for all
Ice skating tips for moms and dads
Ice skates for beginners
Some answers to beginner questions about choosing the right skates.
How to take care of your ice skates
If you want to keep your skates for some times, make sure you take care of them. Below are a few tips to help you keep them in good condition:
Other pieces of equipment to have
Ice skating experiences
The various sports where you skate on the ice
Discover the various ice skating sports you can practice or admire: Figure skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, speed skating, synchronized skating...
Better understand what you can see on TV and figure out what could be the best sports for your child.
Enjoy ice skating off-ice
Find great gifts for yourself and your ice skating friends!