Planning an ice hockey themed wedding?
That's fun!
Below are 15 ideas to help you get inspired and organize everything with:
- invitations,
- centerpieces,
- decors,
- favors,
- picture ideas,
- ...

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#1 - Hockey ticket as wedding invitation
You can imagine many format for your wedding invitation with pictures of you on the ice or simple ice hockey design elements.
But a fun option for a hockey themed wedding invitation is the game ticket format.
Here are 2 examples:
In terms of colors for the ticket, you can choose the colors of your favorite team or select something with the colors of your wedding.
#2 - Personalized puck as hockey wedding centerpieces
Why go with classic vase and bouquet for the centerpiece?
Go full on with the ice hockey theme.
You can have a personalized puck at the center of the table with other decoration items.
And at the end of the ceremony, you can use them as gifts for your wedding party!
#3 - More budget friendly centerpieces - recycle old pucks
To stay in the theme, you can also create your own version of a hockey Centerpiece.
Collect old pucks and used small hockey decors to create a unique centerpiece.
Foam circles or bricks can be the bases and you set up the elements around such as cake toppers!
#4 - Rink candy box as a hockey themed wedding favor
If you are a hockey fan or player, your favorite drawing in the whole world is maybe the one of an ice rink with its blue and red lines, and red circles.
You can offer small candy box with that drawing to keep the theme in your wedding favor box or bag!
#5 - Gifts for the groomsmen
If your guys play hockey or love watching hockey, they may appreciate receiving Whiskey chill pucks.
They are:
- useful
- fun
- and themed!
#6 - Use hockey vocabulary in your wedding vows
If you are not doing the classic religious ceremony and writing your own vows, consider using some hockey related words or sentences to make the audience smile and your partner swoon.
I am thinking something like:
- I promise to be both your right and left defenser, protecting our house...
- In sickness and in health, and during - the major event you prefer -
- Promise to love when your team wins or loses
- ...
#7 - Hockey themed shaped wedding cake
Your first option for the cake is to create a cake with a shape relating to the hockey themed:
- a puck shaped cake
- a rectangle cake with the drawing of an ice rink on it
- a ball cake in the shape of a helmet
- ...
In that case, you can stay with a classic cake topper, so that it does not steal the thunder from the cake.
#8 - Hockey themed wedding cake topper
Otherwise, you can choose a classic wedding cake with no crazy shape.
But then you can go wild with the cake topper - the bride and groom playing hockey for example...
Here are 2 fun ones to consider:
#9 - Wedding picture with hockey stick guard of honor
You can also have a lot of fun with the wedding pictures.
One of my favorite idea is for the wedding party to create a 'guard of honor' holding hockey sticks above the couple.
So much fun!
#10 - Ask the service of your groomsmen with a puck
If you are planning a hockey themed wedding, one or both of the partners is probably a hockey player with a hockey teams.
And some groomsmen may be teammates.
Therefore, a puck shaped request to going the wedding party could be really fun.
Have a look:
#11 - NHL team wedding chart
Depending on how much you want to emphasize the theme of your wedding, here are 2 suggestions for your wedding chart:
- A classic, elegant chart with the name of your tables selected from the NHL team or from famous players
- Or go all the way with the theme and decorate the seating chart with small jerseys and have a roster - see example 1 or example 2
#12 - Hockey jersey as a guest book
If you are looking for an original idea regarding your guest book, have people write their message on a hockey jersey rather than a classic book.
It will be a really fun activity and you can then display it as a decor in your home.
#13 - Play his team / her team
The "him or her" game is a classic activity during the wedding festivities.
Which one is more... and the couple answer him / me or her / me
But here, if the couple is not supporting the same team, you can have a twist: you can play his/mine or her/mine team. This could be really funny (but also a big dangerous, because we know how some people can be defensive about their team). You decide...
#14 - Organize a goal contest
Wedding festivities can be long.
People need to have fun and digest between dishes.
You can get a net and ball and organize a big goal contest. But if there are players in the party, create teams and mix them up with non-players to balance the game.
#15 - Create your synthetic ice rink in your backyard
If you are planning the wedding party in your backyard, or are planning to have a rink in it, maybe it is the time make an investment!
You can buy tiles of synthetic ice, to create a small rink to have fun during for your wedding reception.
And then you can enjoy it at home for a long time.
Check out my article about Synthetic Ice.
More Ice hockey themed wedding ideas
Need more ideas?
Check out this hockey themed wedding article with over 100 ideas, from small details to big decisions.